Friday, October 17, 2008


Well, i had my inet turned off for a bit. During that time ive done alot to the house. Ive completely rearranged the house and did a lot of cleaning while doing so. The girls, Mema, and I took a trip to a pumpkin patch for Rhiannon's preschool field trip. The girls had a blast. Scarlett wasnt too thrilled about the tractor ride, but she got over it about half way through. The pumkin patch pictures are courtesy of Mema, and I was able to snap a couple more photos of the girls hanging around thier room. The girls are doing great and life for me is looking fantastic. Its very empowering to have taken control of the mess and get things in all aspects of life cleaned up. Once I finish moving stuff around, I'll have more pictures of the girls and more updates.

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